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Politician with Supporters

CC+P™ Civic Enagement Careers

Civic Engagement Training




  • Political office mentoring

  • Community development

  • Online or inclass 

Our Civic Leadership stream is designed to support  candidates in developing their leadership skills and growing their specialized skills to keep current in today's landscape.

Civic leadership means getting involved in securing the health, wealth and well being of the community. Civic leadership also means helping solve the economic, social and political issues involved in fostering the development of a creative and vibrant community. We emphasize the need for social justice and train or coach women in up-starting to become leaders in nonprofits, charities, community associations, civil service, and in varying levels of politics. Candidates learn about what they need to get involved in civic engagement, structure and networking, addressing discrimination, advocating for yourself and others in politics, and more. 

We can connect you and offer training in the following areas:
1. Becoming a Political candidate
2. Community Development
3. Diversity and Inclusion
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